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CV Distribution Services to Recruiting Agencies for Jobs in New Zealand.

Advance Your New Zealand Job Search aggressively.

Job Nexus has the best CV distribution service provider in New Zealand. We help job seekers connect fast with recruiters in New Zealand. Our team understands your career goals and executes CV distribution for you to connect with recruitment and job placement agencies in New Zealand with minimal effort.


We send your professional CV in a format that can be easily noticed by recruiters and their systems. Our sophisticated CV distribution service in New Zealand includes the following benefits:

Choose recruiters in your desired city or country from the 24 countries in the Job Nexus global footprint.

Select recruiters in your specific industry or sector for the best CV distribution.

Send your professional CV to recruiting agencies, placement firms and talent acquisition consultancies.

Receive a detailed recruiter outreach report of the specific recruiters who received your profile.

Tracked, live-updated results to know how recruiters have engaged with your profile.

Our transparency and value make Job Nexus the best CV distribution service in New Zealand and the superior way to get started with jobs in New Zealand.


The best CV distribution service for New Zealand will accelerate your job search. It is quick, affordable and readily available for the jobseeker.




US Dollars

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Job Search Tools:

Free tools such as professional resume templates, lists of recruiters and job search tips.
Optional paid services including Resume Writing or CV Distribution with no commitments and no subscriptions. Pay for what you use and nothing more.
Finding a job is hard. Job Nexus makes it easier with smart, affordable tools when you need them.

How it Works?

Step 1

Submit your CV and your career goals for CV Distribution. Select the country and city where you want to work.

Step 2

We match your job search to active recruiters in your industry, in desired location or the seniority of job you desire.

Step 3

Your CV is distributed to recruiters automatically by Job Nexus to their applicant tracking systems.

Step 4

Receive a detailed report on the CV distribution that also tracks recruiter interaction with your information, live.

Job Nexus works with recruiters in these markets:

Send your CV/Resume to 40 New Zealand Recruitment Agencies at Once.

Job Nexus makes it easy for you to connect with many recruitment agencies all at once and makes it easy for them to contact you for interviews.