All IT Vacancies - Vindler ITalents Academy - VITA

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About Us

What is VITA? Where did VITA come from? What can VITA do for me? The name VITA is an acronym, standing for the Vindler ITalents Academy. VITA is the daughter company of Vindler GmbH, a respected information security consultancy also based right here in Germany. VITA was formed out of Vindler because Vindler's leadership team kept being asked one question; "Where can we find good IT people?". From further investigation it turned out that Vindler's clients were consistently having to deal with candidates being submitted to them that did not meet the required skill levels for the positions they were being asked to fill, often through no fault of the candidate themselves, rather they were being put forward for positions by people without any real understanding themselves of what skills were required to do that job, and whether the candidate had those skills or not. At VITA we understand that as candidates you need someone who is there for you always, so we have a dedicated candidate manager for you, Stefanie, who will welcome you to the VITA community and make sure you are well looked after throughout your journey. Stefanie also runs a LinkedIn recruitment group that you will be invited to join and discuss all of the challenges of recruitment, and the strategies for overcoming them. The other side of VITA focuses on securing the perfect role for you. Our head of business relations, Roland, works tirelessly dealing with companies who have vacancies every day. Roland knows the skill sets of the candidates that we have and can assure the companies that we deal with that VITA has the best person for the best person for the job. Often, Roland will secure vacancies that companies have not yet advertised as they trust that VITA will find their next employee for them and need no further help. So contact VITA today and let our team help you with the next step in your career.

Who We Want

VITA is a network of IT specialists and we are looking for IT professionals at all stages of their IT journey, whether you be a newly graduated student looking for your first role, or a seasoned professional with many years of experience under your belt. We are formed from a core of IT security experts and data scientists, though also have experience across general IT system administration, software development and engineering, web development, database administration and much more.

What Makes Us Different

We think that traditional IT recruitment sucks! Whether it be vague job advertisements listing experience needed beyond the actual life of programming languages and tools, or recruitment consultants without the slightest idea of what you do in your career sending your CV out for roles your experiences don't match, at VITA we seek to give you an entirely different recruitment journey. None of our team work on a commission basis so you can rest assured that there is no artificial pressure on the team to force you into a role that is less than perfect in order to 'meet targets'. As a candidate, you are our number one priority!

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Resume writing for All IT Vacancies - Vindler ITalents Academy - VITA candidates provided by Job Nexus